Wednesday, October 6, 2010

All Things Heavy: Kvelertak

Need a heavy music fix? A song, video, or band to kick your teeth in with heaviness? Well then, you've come to the right place.

With music as powerful as a punch to the groin and vocals akin to a snarling wolf just before it rips your throat out, Kvelertak are gearing up to take the metal scene by storm. That is, if people can get past the language barrier.

Kvelertak, who sing in their native language of Norwegian, get their unique sound by blending elements of hardcore punk, metal, and classic rock, resulting in something totally badass. Don't believe me? Then check out the video for "Mjød," where the band is so awesome that everyone in the room decides to fight to the death to prove who their number one fan is (not what really happens) or check out their song "Sultans of Satan," where the band decides to take a break from doing their own thing mid-song to pay homage to Jimi Hendrix by playing a bit of "Foxy Lady." Actually, check them both out.


Sultans of Satan

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