An e-mail was received here at Rock'n'roll Etiquette about a month ago (oops!) from someone who found this blog via a Google search for "rock and roll writing." It turns out there is an online class by that name and we were asked to check it out by the aforementioned e-mailer. The class is offered by the Basement Writing Workshop, which features a series of creative writing courses, such as the Memoir Writing Class and the Comedy Writing Class. Why a rock and roll class, of all things? I think the description explains it well enough:
"Consider the rock and roll writing section of your local bookstore. How big is it? Where is it located in the store? How does it compare to other genres? It's strange how slim the pickings can be when you consider the amount of people who love rock music, buy records, go to concerts, and harbor hopes of one day being rock stars themselves. Our class will explore the current state of rock lit and discuss what we as writers can do about it. Come prepared to write about your rock and roll experiences-why your characters love the music they love, what happens backstage or on the tour bus, what it feels like to play in your band...or jam along with your iPod-and learn ways to make your prose the kind that could inspire a rock lit revolution."The class is taught by Arthur Edwards, former bassist of The Refreshments (they did the theme song for King of the Hill), and runs from October 4th to December 12th, so there's still a bit of time left to sign up if anyone is interested. There is a fee, of course, just like with any class you'd be taking on a college campus. For anyone with $320 -- the discounted fee -- burning a hole in their pocket, this might be what you're looking for to kill some time or brush up on your writing skills.
If you don't have the money, there is also a writing contest you can enter to win a free class. The writing prompts for the contest are posted on Facebook and Twitter and aren't limited to just essays; you can write a poem, a story, or anything else you can think of. Submissions must be 2,500 words or less and the winner can choose from any of the writing classes offered. The deadline is November 1st, so get writing!
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